The Securities and Alternate Board of India (SEBI), which regulates the market, has accredited the appointment of Pramod Agrawal as Chairman and CCO of the Bombay Inventory Alternate (BSE), the inventory alternate mentioned in a press release. SEBI’s stamp of approval comes after the BSE’s Board of Administrators accredited Agrawal’s appointment on December 13.
The BSE mentioned in an alternate submitting, “We hereby inform you that the time period of workplace of Shri S.S. Mundra, Chairman and Director of Public Curiosity will finish on January 16, 2024. On this regard, the Board of Administrators in its assembly held on December 13, 2023, has determined to contemplate and approve the appointment of Shri Pramod Agrawal, Director of Public Curiosity as Chairman of the Board, topic to the approval of the Securities and Alternate Board of India (“SEBI”).”
Additional, informing about SEBI’s approval by way of the alternate file, it mentioned: “SEBI Letter No. SEBI/HO/MRD/RAC2/P/OW/2023/51098/1 dated nineteenth December 2023 (obtained as we speak i.e. twentieth December 2023), 2023 ) has given its approval for the appointment of Shri Pramod Agrawal as Chairman of the Board of Administrators of the Firm with impact from January 17, 2024.”
Agrawal will take over from SS Mundra on January 17, 2024.